For blog readers who didn’t see it, last night’s interview on the BBC’s Newsnight programme with our part-time Prisons Minister Andrew Selous was a political train crash. It was morbidly fascinating to watch him sink deeper and deeper into the hole that his boss, Chris Grayling, has been busy excavating. Ever the cunning PR wonk, ‘Calamity’ Chris sensibly decided to give Newsnight a miss and tidy his sock drawer, leaving poor hapless Andrew to face the music on national TV where he seemed more like a bewildered rabbit caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck.
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Pretty grim viewing for the MOJ |
Even a political heavyweight with much more experience than Mr Selous would have found this interview pretty daunting. The preceding package had included some rather strident critics lining up to have their say, including Frances Crook from the Howard League for Penal Reform, Peter McParlin chairman of the Prison Officers Association (POA) and – myself (the token ex-con). I suppose that between the three of us we have a good few years of first-hand experience of the prison system from our very different perspectives, while poor old Mr Selous has only been in his current post since July – and it showed.
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Frances Crook: warnings |
The current prison population in England and Wales – 85,755 as of 12 December – is roughly twice the size it was 20 years ago. Each successive government in the meantime has contributed to this rise by introducing harsher sentencing policies, longer sentences (including the disastrous Indeterminate Sentence for Public Protection (IPP)) and increasing the number of new criminal offences and civil orders, many of which now carry potential custodial terms. Add into the mix around 10,000 foreign national prisoners, plus around 10,000 unconvicted prisoners being held on remand (around 75 percent of whom, even if convicted, won’t receive a custodial sentence when they eventually come up in court) and you have the makings of a constantly rising prison population. What part of that could not have been foreseen?
As Mr Grayling did, during his own recent shifty performance in front of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Justice, Mr Selous tried – and failed – to put the blame for the unchecked rise in prisoner numbers on to the late Jimmy Savile and the recent increase in reported ‘historic’ sexual offences. This was received with the journalistic distain it richly deserved, just as the same claim cut no ice with the Justice Committee members either. It’s a red herring and just about everyone knows it, so why Mr Selous felt he had to try it on yet again is anyone’s guess. Sheer desperation?
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Mr Selous: out of his depth |
Although Mr Grayling has repeatedly claimed that the prison system can cope with anyone given a custodial sentence by a court, the Prison Service has its own internal categories: “certified normal accommodation” and “operational capacity”. According to the MOJ, the former “represents the good, decent standard of accommodation that the Service aspires to provide all prisoners”, while operational capacity means: “the total number of prisoners that an establishment can hold without serious risk to good order, security and the proper running of the planned regime”.
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In short supply at the moment |
The Howard League has calculated – using the MOJ’s own data – that there has been a 41 percent reduction in the total number of operational grade staff since 2010 when there were around 24,000 to 2014 when there are 14,170. It is true that this figure is hotly disputed by the MOJ which claims there are now 27 percent fewer officers than in 2010, but either way, the prison population has increased, the number of certified places is down (due to prison closures) and there are fewer wing staff around – as evidenced by the need to move officers around on what is euphemistically called ‘detached duty’.
This practice, in itself, can have serious implications for security in our prisons. Staff bussed in temporarily from hundreds of miles away won’t know inmates as individuals. There can be no relationship of trust developed and warning signs that trouble may be brewing can be missed. It is, at best, a haphazard – and expensive – way of trying to apply a band-aid solution for what amounts to a very serious mismanagement of a key public service. As usual, the taxpayer will be footing the bill for all of this.
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Banged-up |
Ministers and officials simply can’t bring themselves to admit that our jails are much less safe and decent places at the moment because of serious mismanagement of the Prison Service by the MOJ’s political leadership. They can’t credibly claim that they weren’t warned. Both the Prison Governors’ Association and the POA – as well as HM Inspectorate of Prisons and the Prison and Probation Ombudsman – have given warning after warning that our prisons are heading for disaster. Juries, it seems, aren’t eager to convict prisoners protesting against deteriorating conditions, including 23-hour bang-up in tiny, overcrowded cells.
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Strangeways: the first to riot in 1990 |
If there are prison riots, then Mr Selous – an Old Etonian who seems to have spent much of his career either in the family electronics business or as an insurance underwriter – really won’t be the man capable of sorting it all out. If his performance on Newsnight is anything to go by he’ll be drowning, not waving, when the MOJ Titanic finally hits the iceberg.
I thought Seleous did a great job tonight on Newsnight. He properly showed himself to be a completely incapable piece of ****
ReplyDeleteRising prison population, falling staff numbers, more attacks on staff. more prison suicides, more violence and no reduction in reoffending. He's doing a great job - shame his boss wasn't there to back him up. Come on Grayling, what have you got to say about the mess you've made?
Harsh, but fair! He is so completely out of his depth that the Newsnight interview was almost painful to watch. I'm not sure I could inflict a second viewing on myself. What never ceases to amaze is how he ever thought he was qualified for the job. I can only assume it was because of his previous stint at the Department for Work and Pensions, where Chris Grayling also made a fist of things before moving on to wreck the criminal justice system.
DeleteYou appeared on Newsnight? I was busy watching a show about a Psychopath Serial Killer.
ReplyDeleteWell, my voice was broadcast on Newsnight as I was several hundred miles away from the studio at the time! Surely the 'psychopath serial killer' wasn't our own Mr Grayling? Perish the thought!
DeleteThe Psychopath Serial Killer was Irish, in his early 30s, had a full head of dark hair and was a character of pure fiction...
ReplyDeleteAh, so definitely not 'Calamity' Chris then. He's a bit follicly challenged.
DeleteHundreds of prison officer jobs advertised on civil service jobs. Number of jobs available at HMP Belmarsh and HMP Isis is 42. The list just goes on and on. 26 jobs at HMP Watton and HMP Nottingham. HMP Whitemoor advert states there are 97 jobs available!!! Probably takes months to actually complete the recruitment, get security clearance etc. Doubt the staffing crisis will be solved any time soon. (Can there actually be 97 officers needed at Whitemoor?)
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments and the information on PO job adverts. I've heard stories - from staff - that recruitment tends to be a very slow process and candidates can wait for months or even longer after taking the selection test for a place on the 8-week Prison Officer Entry Level Training (POELT) course. As you rightly point out there will be security vetting (including interviews) to get through and I also gather that quite a few candidates get so disillusioned with the long wait that they get other jobs in the meantime.
DeleteThe real scandal is that this staff shortage should have been foreseen by the MOJ and NOMS rather than sitting back until the crisis is already overwhelming many establishments. The local media has recently been full of stories about their local prisons having to 'loan' staff to higher security nicks, so it sounds like Christmas and New Year could well be run on a highly restricted regime - maybe not 23-hour bang-up, but perhaps not far off in some prisons. This, in itself, could lead to kick offs on wings when cons can't get to use the payphones, take showers etc. All in all, I don't envy anyone inside at the moment - prisoners or staff!
Selous told us not very convincingly that the prison staffing issue will be resolved by April. He's replacing 8000 prison officers with under 2000 despite the rising prison population.
ReplyDeleteClearly more assaults on staff and inmates will happen, more inmates will cause their own "self-inflicted" deaths and reoffending will continue to rise. When will Selous and Grayling realise that pointless cuts will only cause more misery to the public and expense to public purse.
Maybe holding out for a few votes next May is the agenda, in the meantime people will get hurt and die.
Thanks for your contribution to this discussion. Andrew Selous is just about as unqualified for his job as 'Calamity' Chris Grayling. He hasn't got a clue what he's talking about and just repeats whatever his policy wonk from Petty France has printed on his cue-card. I doubt he would know a PSI from an IPP (or a PPI, for that matter)!
DeleteUnderstaffed prisons are dangerous for everyone, the public included. On Thursday, a remanded murder suspect was released in error from HMP Wandsworth and then the MOJ had to offer £10,000 of taxpayers' cash as a 'reward' for information about his whereabouts. You can be sure that staff shortages and/or lack of experienced staff on duty played some role in that fiasco and it won't be Messrs Grayling or Selous footing the bill from their own pockets!
To be honest, I do think all the negative media coverage Mr Grayling has been attracting - especially wasting public funds on lost-cause judicial reviews such as the ban on posting in books to prisoners - is damaging the government. Not because many voters really care about what goes on in prisons (unless they have a personal stake in the system), but constant public failure by any minister tends to undermine public confidence in his or her ability to do the job and that is always damaging.
Just viewed the archive recording....A splendid contribution by yourself Alex. The 'Newsnight' interviewer was well briefed to run rings around Mr. Selous and it showed. The icing on the cake comment came from the HMIP Nick Hardwick quote that Selous totally dismissed. Pathetic performance.
ReplyDeleteKeep the blogs coming, Alex and enjoy your Christmas. Stuart.
Thanks for your kind comments, Stuart. I couldn't agree more. Mr Selous is completely out of his depth and really hasn't got a clue. He's a part-timer who presumably ended up with this 'poisoned chalice' of a job because no-one else wanted what is now a highly toxic portfolio, thanks to 'Calamity' Chris Grayling!
DeleteHappy to learn that you are finding the blog posts interesting. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I find it odd that people seem to be forgetting that HMP Downview which closed as a female prison in October 2013 ostensibly to be immediately reopened as a male prison to help reduce overcrowding in the male estate has still not been reopened. It has been mothballed since October 2013 with no date by which it will be reopened although the last rumour has it at some point early in 2015. The MoJ has spent hundreds of thousands of pounds of tax payers money keeping Downview ticking over whilst mothballed and OSG's employed wandering round the wings turning taps on an off twice a week to ensure no leaks occur (???). Granted Downview's 300 or so bed capacity won't solve the overcrowding problem but it would certainly go some way to alieviating it if it was reopened. And let's not even start on the absolute havoc it played with the lives and sentences of the women who were at Downview at the time it was so abruptly closed, all of whom ended up in hugely overcrowded conditions at Holloway, Bronzefield etc. As well as the officers and other staff who were3 sent all over the country disrupting their lives as well. If the MoJ had no intention of immediately shipping in the men as is quite evident by their continued failure to do so, they should have left the women and staff where they were until they were actually ready to do so. If the MoJ has no intention of reopening Downview they should have sold off the real estate to some developer to build affordable housing to help relieve the housing crisis in London and the South East thus putting much needed funds back into the public coffer and providing new housing. Keeping a prison mothballed is a collosal waste of money and resources.